Do You remember these guys?:
When I was making the superheroes finger puppets I had so much fun I promised myself I will make more and what is a better pair for superheroes if not super-villains.
I chose villains from the Batman movies cause there is so many colorful characters to chose from, the ones I made are probably my favorite ones. So there they are:
Cat woman
Poison Ivy

I will make posts about each and every character with pattern to crochet it yourself. When? I hope soon - as soon as my 4 weeks old son will sleep a bit more than half an hour ( he is always hungry :) I hope You will like the supervillains set as much as You loved the heroes. I also hope it's not the end of my finger puppets series of crochet characters, I don't have the theme yet, but I am sure something will came out.
Maybe You have some brilliant idea on set theme? Please write if You do.